Thursday, February 24, 2011

Guilty Secrets From a Nickelback Fan

Greetings! If hope is still springing for any of you, leading you to check in here occasionally...

Well, first, god bless you. And second, here is your reward: a new guest post for the Guilty Pleasures column. Many thanks to my anonymous contributor, who in my opinion is needlessly guilty about this one. So let's prove him/her wrong, people! Where are the rest of you Nickelheads out there, or Wooden Nickels, or whatever the heck it says on your bumper stickers? Or perhaps it's the Petshop Boys who haunt your dreams?

Friends who have made the mistake of accepting a ride from me during the Boom 97.3 Friday and Saturday disco show know my aural preferences all too well, but I fly my Funkytown flag high and proud. So who's with me? Got a Guilty Musical Pleasure to share?

While I await the flood of your responses, please enjoy this offering from "X":
My name is X, and Nickelback is my secret guilty pleasure. Yes, I know there are radio stations out there that pride themselves on being "Nickelback-free." Some even use it as a marketing device! But I love the bad boys of Hanna, Alberta. I'm well beyond jailbait age, so I'm probably not their target market. But their songs just make me want to dance on the bar, line up those shots of tequila and dive on in! And I'm not the only one. Remember all those Japanese girls singing along at the Vancouver Olympics closing ceremonies? Am I right? They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Case in point: Theory of a Deadman's "Bad Girlfriend." Sure sounds like Chad... If there's a Wii Rock Band version of "Burn It to the Ground," I think I need it. Where was I when the call went out for lip-synchers on the "Rockstar" video? Sure, they got Wayne Gretzky, but does he really mean it? O.K., so if it's me up dancing on the bar it probably should have guard-rails… and I should wear a mask… These five words in my head scream "Are we havin' fun yet?"

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